Jesus’ Needs 

Many depressed people have been hurt and rejected by others. They feel as though basic relational needs have not been met, and they will be stuck in depression until they are. Rejection from parents, spouses, or friends has left a profound emptiness that feels like an emotional handicap. What does this have to do with the heart? Consider first the example of Jesus. He is God, but he was truly human. If anything is clear from his life, he didn’t get love from people, he never prayed that he would know the love of other people, and he didn’t seem emotionally undone by rejection and misunderstanding. Rather, his deepest needs, as noted in his prayers, were for the glory of his Father to be revealed and for his spiritual children to be protected from the evil one and united in love (John 17). TheEdward T. Welch, Depression: Looking Up from the Stubborn Da

First and Greatest Commandment

I don’t know how much time I will have to blog but it doesn’t hurt to give it a try, so we shall see. 🙂

I know our God commands us simply two things: 1. Love Him 2. Love others (enemies included). But how often do I fail in these areas every second with my thoughts, words and actions? Though I know these commands well, it’s recently I began to realize how serious I need to be about repenting of my failure to love others and persevere in loving others as I love myself. I know I’m going to fail at this today and tomorrow, but there is no need to fear because God who began a good work in me will carry on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. And let’s not forget Proverbs 24:16 “for a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again..”
